
提供:Dev Guides


変数A = 2およびB = 3を想定

Operator Description Example
& (Bitwise AND) It performs a Boolean AND operation on each bit of its integer arguments. (A & B) is 2
(BitWise OR) It performs a Boolean OR operation on each bit of its integer arguments.
(A B) is 3 ^ (Bitwise XOR)
It performs a Boolean exclusive OR operation on each bit of its integer arguments. Exclusive OR means that either operand one is true or operand two is true, but not both. (A ^ B) is 1 ~ (Bitwise Not)
It is a unary operator and operates by reversing all the bits in the operand. (~B) is -4 << (Left Shift)
It moves all the bits in its first operand to the left by the number of places specified in the second operand. New bits are filled with zeros. Shifting a value left by one position is equivalent to multiplying it by 2, shifting two positions is equivalent to multiplying by 4, and so on. (A << 1) is 4 >> (Right Shift)
Binary Right Shift Operator. The left operand’s value is moved right by the number of bits specified by the right operand. (A >> 1) is 1 >>> (Right shift with Zero)

var a:number = 2;  //Bit presentation 10
var b:number = 3;  //Bit presentation 11

var result;

result = (a & b);
console.log("(a & b) => ",result)

result = (a | b);
console.log("(a | b) => ",result)

result = (a ^ b);
console.log("(a ^ b) => ",result);

result = (~b);
console.log("(~b) => ",result);

result = (a << b);
console.log("(a << b) => ",result);

result = (a >> b);
console.log("(a >> b) => ",result);


//Generated by typescript 1.8.10
var a = 2;  //Bit presentation 10
var b = 3;  //Bit presentation 11
var result;

result = (a & b);
console.log("(a & b) => ", result);

result = (a | b);
console.log("(a | b) => ", result);

result = (a ^ b);
console.log("(a ^ b) => ", result);

result = (~b);
console.log("(~b) => ", result);

result = (a << b);
console.log("(a << b) => ", result);

result = (a >> b);
console.log("(a >> b) => ", result);


(a & b) =>  2
(a | b) =>  3
(a ^ b) =>  1
(~b) =>  -4
(a << b) =>  16
(a >> b) =>  0