
提供:Dev Guides


仮説検定では、統計を使用して、与えられた仮説が真である確率を決定します。 仮説検定の通常のプロセスは、以下に示す4つのステップで構成されます。






P値を計算します。これは、帰無仮説が真であると仮定して、観測された統計と少なくとも同じくらい有意な検定統計量が得られる確率です。 P値が小さいほど、帰無仮説に対する証拠が強くなります。


p値を許容可能な有意値アルファ(アルファ値とも呼ばれる)と比較します。 p ⇐ alphaの場合、観測された効果が統計的に有意であり、帰無仮説は除外され、対立仮説は有効です。


Test Description SAS PROC
T-Test A t-tests is used to test whether the mean of one variable is significantly different than a hypothesized value.We also determine whether means for two independent groups are significantly different and whether means for dependent or paired groups are significantly different. PROC TTEST
ANOVA It is also used to compare means when there is one independent categorical variable. We want to use one-way ANOVA when testing to see if the means of the interval dependent variable are different according to the independent categorical variable. PROC ANOVA
Chi-Square We use chi square goodness of fit to assess if frequencies of a categorical variable were likely to happen due to chance. Use of a chi square test is necessary whether proportions of a categorical variable are a hypothesized value. PROC FREQ
Linear Regression Simple linear regression is used when one wants to test how well a variable predicts another variable. Multiple linearregression allows one to test how well multiple variables predict a variable of interest. When using multiple linear regression, we additionally assume the predictor variables are independent. PROC REG