
提供:Dev Guides


  • 質問:*バッチ処理システムとリアルタイム処理システムの違いは何ですか?
  • 回答:*以下は、バッチ処理システムとリアルタイム処理システムの違いです。
Sr. No. Batch Processing System Realtime Processing System
1 Jobs with similar requirements are batched together and run through the computer as a group. In this system, events mostly external to computer system are accepted and processed within certain deadlines.
2 This system is particularly suited for applications such as Payroll, Forecasting, Statistical analysis etc. This processing system is particularly suited for applications such as scientific experiments, Flight control, few military applications, Industrial control etc.
3 It provides most economical and simplest processing method for business applications. Complex and costly processing requires unique hardware and software to handle complex operating system programs.
4 In this system data is collected for defined period of time and is processed in batches. Supports random data input at random time.
5 In this system sorting is performed before processing. No sorting is required.
6 It is measurement oriented. It is action or event oriented.
7 Transactions are batch processed and periodically. Transactions are processed as and when they occur.
8 In this processing there is no time limit. It has to handle a process within the specified time limit otherwise the system fails.