
提供:Dev Guides



Opcode Operand Meaning Explanation
JMP 16-bit address Jump unconditionally The program sequence is transferred to the memory address given in the operand.

|Opcode |Description |Flag Status |JC |Jump on Carry |CY=1 |JNC |Jump on no Carry |CY=0 |JP |Jump on positive |S=0 |JM |Jump on minus |S=1 |JZ |Jump on zero |Z=1 |JNZ |Jump on no zero |Z=0 |JPE |Jump on parity even |P=1 |JPO |Jump on parity odd |P=0

16-bit address Jump conditionally The program sequence is transferred to the memory address given in the operand based on the specified flag of the PSW.

|Opcode |Description |Flag Status |CC |Call on Carry |CY=1 |CNC |Call on no Carry |CY=0 |CP |Call on positive |S=0 |CM |Call on minus |S=1 |CZ |Call on zero |Z=1 |CNZ |Call on no zero |Z=0 |CPE |Call on parity even |P=1 |CPO |Call on parity odd |P=0

16-bit address Unconditional subroutine call The program sequence is transferred to the memory address given in the operand. Before transferring, the address of the next instruction after CALL is pushed onto the stack. RET None Return from subroutine unconditionally The program sequence is transferred from the subroutine to the calling program.

|Opcode |Description |Flag Status |RC |Return on Carry |CY=1 |RNC |Return on no Carry |CY=0 |RP |Return on positive |S=0 |RM |Return on minus |S=1 |RZ |Return on zero |Z=1 |RNZ |Return on no zero |Z=0 |RPE |Return on parity even |P=1 |RPO |Return on parity odd |P=0

None Return from subroutine conditionally The program sequence is transferred from the subroutine to the calling program based on the specified flag of the PSW and the program execution begins at the new address. PCHL None Load the program counter with HL contents The contents of registers H & L are copied into the program counter. The contents of H are placed as the high-order byte and the contents of L as the loworder byte. RST 0-7 Restart The RST instruction is used as software instructions in a program to transfer the program execution to one of the following eight locations.

|Instruction |Restart Address |RST 0 |0000H |RST 1 |0008H |RST 2 |0010H |RST 3 |0018H |RST 4 |0020H |RST 5 |0028H |RST 6 |0030H |RST 7 |0038H

8085にはさらに4つの割り込みがあります。これは、RST命令を内部で生成でき、外部ハードウェアを必要としません。 以下は、それらの指示とその再起動アドレスです-


|Interrupt |Restart Address |TRAP |0024H |RST 5.5 |002CH |RST 6.5 |0034H |RST 7.5 |003CH