
提供:Dev Guides


次の表は、LISPでサポートされているすべての算術演算子を示しています。 変数 A が10を保持し、変数 B が20を保持すると仮定します-

Operator Description Example
+ Adds two operands (+A B) will give 30
- Subtracts second operand from the first (- A B) will give -10
* Multiplies both operands (* A B) will give 200
/ Divides numerator by de-numerator (/B A) will give 2
mod,rem Modulus Operator and remainder of after an integer division (mod B A )will give 0
incf Increments operator increases integer value by the second argument specified (incf A 3) will give 13
decf Decrements operator decreases integer value by the second argument specified (decf A 4) will give 9


(setq a 10)
(setq b 20)
(format t "~% A + B = ~d" (+ a b))
(format t "~% A - B = ~d" (- a b))
(format t "~% A x B = ~d" (* a b))
(format t "~% B/A = ~d" (/b a))
(format t "~% Increment A by 3 = ~d" (incf a 3))
(format t "~% Decrement A by 4 = ~d" (decf a 4))

実行ボタンをクリックするか、Ctrl + Eを入力すると、LISPはすぐに実行し、返される結果は-

A + B = 30
A - B = -10
A x B = 200
B/A = 2
Increment A by 3 = 13
Decrement A by 4 = 9