
提供:Dev Guides



Operator Description C# Query Expression Syntax VB Query Expression Syntax
AsEnumerable Returns the input typed as IEnumerable<T> Not Applicable Not Applicable
AsQueryable A (generic) IEnumerable is converted to a (generic) IQueryable Not Applicable Not Applicable
Cast Performs casting of elements of a collection to a specified type Use an explicitly typed range variable. Eg:from string str in words From … As …
OfType Filters values on basis of their , depending on their capability to be cast to a particular type Not Applicable Not Applicable
ToArray Forces query execution and does conversion of a collection to an array Not Applicable Not Applicable
ToDictionary On basis of a key selector function set elements into a Dictionary<TKey, TValue> and forces execution of a LINQ query Not Applicable Not Applicable
ToList Forces execution of a query by converting a collection to a List<T> Not Applicable Not Applicable
ToLookup Forces execution of a query and put elements into a Lookup<TKey, TElement> on basis of a key selector function Not Applicable Not Applicable



using System;
using System.Linq;

namespace Operators {
   class Cast {
      static void Main(string[] args) {

         Plant[] plants = new Plant[] {new CarnivorousPlant { Name = "Venus Fly Trap", TrapType = "Snap Trap" },
                          new CarnivorousPlant { Name = "Pitcher Plant", TrapType = "Pitfall Trap" },
                          new CarnivorousPlant { Name = "Sundew", TrapType = "Flypaper Trap" },
                          new CarnivorousPlant { Name = "Waterwheel Plant", TrapType = "Snap Trap" }};

         var query = from CarnivorousPlant cPlant in plants
                     where cPlant.TrapType == "Snap Trap"
                     select cPlant;

         foreach (var e in query) {
            Console.WriteLine("Name = {0} , Trap Type = {1}", e.Name, e.TrapType);

         Console.WriteLine("\nPress any key to continue.");

   class Plant {
      public string Name { get; set; }

   class CarnivorousPlant : Plant {
      public string TrapType { get; set; }


Module Module1
   Sub Main()

      Dim plants() As Plant = {New CarnivorousPlant With {.Name = "Venus Fly Trap", .TrapType = "Snap Trap"},
                              New CarnivorousPlant With {.Name = "Pitcher Plant", .TrapType = "Pitfall Trap"},
                              New CarnivorousPlant With {.Name = "Sundew", .TrapType = "Flypaper Trap"},
                              New CarnivorousPlant With {.Name = "Waterwheel Plant", .TrapType = "Snap Trap"}}

      Dim list = From cPlant As CarnivorousPlant In plants
                 Where cPlant.TrapType = "Snap Trap"
                 Select cPlant

      For Each e In list
         Console.WriteLine("Name = {0} , Trap Type = {1}", e.Name, e.TrapType)

      Console.WriteLine(vbLf & "Press any key to continue.")
   End Sub

   Class Plant
      Public Property Name As String
   End Class

   Class CarnivorousPlant
      Inherits Plant
      Public Property TrapType As String
   End Class

End Module


Name = Venus Fly Trap, TrapType = Snap Trap
Name = Waterwheel Plant, TrapType = Snap Trap

Press any key to continue.