
提供:Dev Guides




  • ステップ1 *-GitLabアカウントにログインし、_Settings_タブの下の_Members_オプションをクリックします-


  • ステップ2 *-プロジェクトにメンバーを追加するために以下の画面を開きます-


  • ステップ3 *-_Choose a role permission_セクションの下のドロップダウンをクリックすると、さまざまなタイプのアクセス許可が表示されます-


ユーザー権限の設定とプロジェクトへのユーザーの追加については、リンク:/gitlab/gitlab_adding_users [Adding users]の章をご覧ください。 ここでは、プロジェクトに適用できるさまざまなユーザー権限について簡単に説明します。


S.N. Guest Reporter Developer Master
1 Creates a new issue Creates a new issue Creates a new issue Creates a new issue
2 Can leave comments Can leave comments Can leave comments Can leave comments
3 Able to write on project wall Able to write on project wall Able to write on project wall Able to write on project wall
4 - Able to pull project code Able to pull project code Able to pull project code
5 - Can download project Can download project Can download project
6 - Able to write code snippets Able to write code snippets Able to write code snippets
7 - - Create new merge request Create new merge request
8 - - Create new branch Create new branch
9 - - Push and remove non protected branches Push and remove non protected branches
10 - - Includes tags Includes tags
11 - - Can create, edit, delete project milestones Can create, edit, delete project milestones
12 - - Can create or update commit status Can create or update commit status
13 - - Write a wiki Write a wiki
14 - - Create new environments Create new environments
15 - - Cancel and retry the jobs Cancel and retry the jobs
16 - - Updates and removes the registry image Updates and removes the registry image
17 - - - Can add new team members
18 - - - Push and remove protected branches
19 - - - Can edit the project
20 - - - Can manage runners, job triggers and variables
21 - - - Add deploy keys to project
22 - - - Able to manage clusters
23 - - - Configure project hooks
24 - - - Can enable/disable the branch protection
25 - - - Able to rewrite or remove Git tags