
提供:Dev Guides


ある* if または else if 文を別の* if またはor * else if 文の中に使用できます。


ネストされた if ステートメントの構文は次のとおりです-

if ( logical_expression 1) then
   !Executes when the boolean expression 1 is true

   if(logical_expression 2)then
      ! Executes when the boolean expression 2 is true
   end if
end if

program nestedIfProg
implicit none
   ! local variable declaration
   integer :: a = 100, b= 200

   ! check the logical condition using if statement
   if( a == 100 ) then

   ! if condition is true then check the following

   if( b == 200 ) then

   ! if inner if condition is true
   print*, "Value of a is 100 and b is 200"

   end if
   end if

   print*, "exact value of a is ", a
   print*, "exact value of b is ", b

end program nestedIfProg


Value of a is 100 and b is 200
exact value of a is 100
exact value of b is 200