
提供:Dev Guides


多数のライブラリルーチンが提供されています。 いくつかは、インタプリタ ex.exe、exw.exeまたはexu に直接組み込まれています。 その他はEuphoriaで記述されており、それらを使用するには euphoria \ include ディレクトリに.eファイルの1つを含める必要があります。


S.No Prefix & Description




















integer test if an object is an integer
atom test if an object is an atom
sequence test if an object is a sequence
object test if an object is an object (always true)


length return the length of a sequence
repeat repeat an object n times to form a sequence of length n
reverse reverse a sequence
append add a new element to the end of a sequence
prepend add a new element to the beginning of a sequence


compare compare two objects
equal test if two objects are identical
find find an object in a sequence - start searching from element number 1
find_from find an object in a sequence - start searching from any element number
match find a sequence as a slice of another sequence - start searching from element number 1
match_from find a sequence as a slice of another sequence - start searching from any element number
sort sort the elements of a sequence into ascending order
custom_sort sort the elements of a sequence based on a compare function that you supply


lower convert an atom or sequence to lower case
upper convert an atom or sequence to upper case
wildcard_match match a pattern containing ? and * wildcards
wildcard_file match a file name against a wildcard specification



sqrt calculate the square root of an object
rand generate random numbers
sin calculate the sine of an angle
arcsin calculate the angle with a given sine
cos calculate the cosine of an angle
arccos calculate the angle with a given cosine
tan calculate the tangent of an angle
arctan calculate the arc tangent of a number
log calculate the natural logarithm
floor round down to the nearest integer
remainder calculate the remainder when a number is divided by another
power calculate a number raised to a power
PI the mathematical value PI (3.14159…​)




and_bits perform logical AND on corresponding bits
or_bits perform logical OR on corresponding bits
xor_bits perform logical XOR on corresponding bits
not_bits perform logical NOT on all bits


ファイルまたはデバイスで入力または出力を行うには、最初にファイルまたはデバイスを開き、次に以下のルーチンを使用して読み取りまたは書き込みを行ってから、ファイルまたはデバイスを閉じる必要があります。 [open()]は、他のI/Oルーチンの最初の引数として使用するファイル番号を提供します。 特定のファイル/デバイスが自動的に(テキストファイルとして)開かれます-

  • 0-標準入力
  • 1-標準出力
  • 2-標準エラー
open open a file or device
close close a file or device
flush flush out buffered data to a file or device
lock_file lock a file or device
unlock_file unlock a file or device
print ##print a Euphoria object on one line, with braces and commas \{,,} to show the structure
pretty_print ##print a Euphoria object in a nice readable form, using multiple lines and appropriate indentation
? x ##shorthand for print(1, x)
sprint return a printed Euphoria object as a string sequence
printf formatted print to a file or device
sprintf formatted print returned as a string sequence
puts output a string sequence to a file or device
getc read the next character from a file or device
gets ##read the next line from a file or device
get_bytes ##read the next n bytes from a file or device
prompt_string prompt the user to enter a string
get_key ##check for key pressed by the user, don’t wait
wait_key wait for user to press a key
get read the representation of any Euphoria object from a file
prompt_number prompt the user to enter a number
value read the representation of any Euphoria object from a string
seek move to any byte position within an open file
where report the current byte position in an open file
current_dir return the name of the current directory
chdir change to a new current directory
dir return complete info on all files in a directory
walk_dir recursively walk through all files in a directory
allow_break allow control-c/control-Break to terminate your program or not
check_break check if user has pressed control-c or control-Break


Windows XPでは、DOSマウスを(非フルスクリーン)ウィンドウで動作させる場合は、DOSウィンドウのプロパティでクイック編集モードを無効にする必要があります。

get_mouse return mouse "events" (clicks, movements)
mouse_events select mouse events to watch for
mouse_pointer display or hide the mouse pointer


time number of seconds since a fixed point in the past
tick_rate set the number of clock ticks per second (DOS32)
date current year, month, day, hour, minute, second etc.
command_line command-line used to run this program
getenv get value of an environment variable
system execute an operating system command line
system_exec execute a program and get its exit code
abort terminate execution
sleep suspend execution for a period of time
platform find out which operating system are we running on


machine_func specialized internal operations with a return value
machine_proc specialized internal operations with no return value


trace dynamically turns tracing on or off
profile dynamically turns profiling on or off


次のルーチンを使用すると、画面に情報を表示できます。 DOSでは、PC画面を多くのグラフィックモードのいずれかに配置できます。


clear_screen clear the screen
position set cursor line and column
get_position return cursor line and column
graphics_mode select a new pixel-graphics or text mode (DOS32)
video_config return parameters of current mode
scroll scroll text up or down
wrap control line wrap at right edge of screen
text_color set foreground text color
bk_color set background color
palette change color for one color number (DOS32)
all_palette change color for all color numbers (DOS32)
get_all_palette get the palette values for all colors (DOS32)
read_bitmap read a bitmap (.bmp) file and return a palette and a 2-d sequence of pixels
save_bitmap create a bitmap (.bmp) file, given a palette and a 2-d sequence of pixels
get_active_page return the page currently being written to (DOS32)
set_active_page change the page currently being written to (DOS32)
get_display_page return the page currently being displayed (DOS32)
set_display_page change the page currently being displayed (DOS32)
sound make a sound on the PC speaker (DOS32)


cursor select cursor shape
text_rows set number of lines on text screen
get_screen_char get one character from the screen
put_screen_char put one or more characters on the screen
save_text_image save a rectangular region from a text screen
display_text_image display an image on the text screen


pixel set color of a pixel or set of pixels
get_pixel read color of a pixel or set of pixels
draw_line connect a series of graphics points with a line
polygon draw an n-sided figure
ellipse draw an ellipse or circle
save_screen save the screen to a bitmap (.bmp) file
save_image save a rectangular region from a pixel-graphics screen
display_image display an image on the pixel-graphics screen


task_clock_start restart the scheduler’s clock
task_clock_stop stop the scheduler’s clock
task_create create a new task
task_list get a list of all tasks
task_schedule schedule a task for execution
task_self return the task id of the current task
task_status the current status (active, suspended, terminated) of a task
task_suspend Suspend a task.
task_yield Yield control, so the scheduler can pick a new task to run.