
提供:Dev Guides





カランは、執筆中に時間を過ごすのが好きな作家です。 毎日午後、引退した高齢者である彼の隣人は、カジュアルなチャットのために立ち寄ります。 カランは、彼のプライバシーに対するこのような毎日の侵入に感謝していません。 彼はこの状況にどのように対処できますか?

Passive Passive − ( this is so not happening right now ) Hi Uncle! Come in.
Aggressive Aggressive − ( time to put an end to this once and for all ) Look. This daily visiting has to stop. It’s difficult putting ideas on paper as it is, without you knocking at my door every single day.
Passive-aggressive Passive-aggressive − ( and here comes the lonely loser… ) Oh, hi! You totally knocked me over with this surprise visit.
Assertive Assertive − ( he doesn’t know that I’m busy. How do I put it before him? ) As I was saying about that writing assignment of mine- it is challenging and demands a lot of imagination from me. I would appreciate if I could spend some time in the afternoon with myself. We could still meet on the weekends.


Diyaは、特定の列車の詳細を取得するために、過去30分間、地下鉄の問い合わせポストのキューで待機しています。 ちょうど彼女が出席しようとしているとき、男はキューをジャンプし、彼が彼に彼のクエリを渡せるように要求します。 ディヤは何をしますか?

Passive Passive − (yeah… treat me like the push-over I am) Hmm… okay.
Aggressive Aggressive − (just who does this prince think he is!) Why do you think I was waiting? Because there were other people. You do the same; it won’t hurt.
Passive-aggressive Passive-aggressive − (why don’t I just offer you a cup of tea too) Oh, sure. I was just checking the weather.
Assertive Assertive − (he seems to be in a hurry but I have been waiting for long too) I have been waiting for quite some time too. I won’t take very long, I promise.